You can press Yes to discard the changes and go back to the Task List or click Cancel to stay on the Task Details page and Save changes. If changes are made and not saved the Back button will trigger a popup with a warning. Back button - takes the user back to the Task list.Save button - enable to save as soon as the details are entered.Due Date - a calendar picker to set the Due Date.Time Took (Hours) - The actual time took to complete the task.The accepted input is a whole number for hours or a number with 2 decimal points for hours and minutes. Estimated Time (Hours) - The estimated time set for the task.Keywords/Tags - The tags can be set to enable a user to search by tags on the Task List page.Campaign - Select from the list of available campaigns of the account.Details - fill details of the task can be written in this text editor or copied and pasted from another text editor.Note: the only way to Cancel the task is by changing the status from this select field. Task Status: Open, Complete, or Canceled.The past due date is colored in red, today's colored in orange, and the future task's due date is colored in black.Īction - the column includes three icons: Gear to Editing a task, Copy to Duplicate the task, and X to Delete the task.Īdding a Task After clicking Add Task button from the Task Manager > Tasks List page the Task Detail page the following sections: Task Completion - displays a completion bar (only for the tasks with the checklist) with a percent of completed checklist items.ĭue Date - displays a due date set for the task. Under the task name, the " Assigned to:" with the name of the user the task assigned to.Ĭampaign - the name of the campaign if the task assigned to any campaign Name - the name of the task with a link to Edit the task.

View Details - a button that displays a task title, description, and a checklist (if any available). Priority - a priority is displayed as a bar in the table as High(red), Medium(orange), or Low(yellow) depending on the priority number set in the task details from 1-10. # - a unique task number created by the system, which can be useful at sorting latest to newest or vice verse. Status - a checkbox(circle) with an ability to mark the task as complete or incomplete right in the table. All Tasks tab has a list of tasks of all statuses: Open, Complete, and Canceled.